Welcome To
Resilient Westport

A programme of work aimed at improving Westport’s flood resilience over time

The Buller District Council and West Coast Regional Council are working collaboratively with iwi, other organisations and Government departments to protect Westport where possible and plan low-risk growth areas.

Our goal is to create a safer, stronger Westport for all our residents through a range of solutions and community collaboration.

About Resilient Westport

The Resilient Westport work is overseen and governed by the Resilient Westport Steering Group. The programme is funded with $22.9m from central government, which is administered by the Department of Internal Affairs.

Both Buller District Council and West Coast Regional Council play a key role in, and have specific responsibilities towards enabling the Resilient Westport Package, although there are also areas specific to each council.

You can find out more about the various projects that make up the Resilient Westport work on our About Resilient Westport page.

Key Projects

There are two key projects that make up the Resilient Westport package of work – Flood Protection and Master Planning - complemented by smaller initiatives. The largest project is to build floodwalls/stopbanks to protect Westport in the event of significant future flooding events. Also key, is Master Planning work to provide a holistic pathway for Westport’s future growth.

  • Aerial View Of Westport New Zealand

    Flood Protection (floodwalls)

    Flood protection involves building floodwalls/stopbanks to protect parts of Westport in the event of future flooding events.

    It is the largest of the Resilient Westport projects with a contribution of $15.6m from central government, in addition to the Westport Rating District’s contribution. An additional $300,000 is allocated to the technical review of the preliminary floodwall designs and project costs.

  • Lost Lagoon Westport

    Master Planning

    Master Planning is a strategic planning exercise that looks to provide options and opportunities for the short, medium and long term future of the greater Westport area.

    Led by Buller District Council, the Master Planning process seeks to provide a holistic road map for the community, public and private sector and guides the development of areas of land for future use, creating greater choice for the community around lower-risk areas.

    Engagement on the Draft Master Plan is now complete with next steps being considered.
