Master Planning Update
Master Planning – what is it really about?
We know there has been some discussion in the media lately about our Master Planning project and we wanted to take this opportunity to clarify some things around it and update you on what is planned.
Master Planning is a strategic planning exercise for all generations. It looks at where Westport is now, and where it might be or how it might look in 20, 50 or 100 years’ time.
Many places in New Zealand have developed in an ad hoc way over time based on early colonial settlement decisions – proximity to river, ocean, arable land and in Westport’s case, mining opportunities. Long ago, there wasn’t the same awareness of the risk of natural hazards or the dynamics of a changing environment.
Knowing what Westport has already been through, Buller District Council, with government, decided it was time to look ahead and see what could be done better. Funding via Resilient Westport is part of that.
If you would like to know more about the work, the early findings and the process that has been undertaken to date, Mayor Jamie Cleine spoke to Radio NZ on this on Thursday night. It’s a quick, handy snapshot of where things are at and a good listen.
The project team also gave a Master Planning update to Buller District Councillors on 20 November - you can watch the full presentation on the BDC YouTube page (over one hour in duration).
And if you would like to discuss the project in person, we have our next community drop-in session at the Resilient Westport office (147 Palmerston Street, Westport) Tuesday from 12pm through to 2pm. Master Planning Project Lead Paul Zaanen will be there to chat.
In the meantime, here are a few key points to know about the Draft Master Plan:
The Plan’s intent is not to pick Westport up and move it over the river.
This last 8 months has seen the project team undertake a participatory design process with members of the Westport community and stakeholders from the wider Buller District. More than 150 people took part. This was done as a way to start with local knowledge and passion for this place, and create a way forward in partnership with locals. The draft plan reflects the culmination of that process.
It is a draft concept framework and is still undergoing tweaks. Once complete, the team will take it out for wider engagement in early 2025 – there are no pre-determined outcomes.
After we’ve talked to the community about what is in the plan and finalised the content, it will be presented to Buller District Council elected members in April 2025 – with formal consultation being undertaken under the Long Term Plan.The project has focused on the opportunities to grow a new part of town in a safe location on the other side of the river, while ensuring that Westport main street continues to thrive in the meantime.
The Plan reflects the fact that if we start preparing for the future now the land will be ready when it is needed. It can seed opportunity for Westport to grow and prosper, and it can offer choice for relocation, over time. Master Planning is looking to low-risk development areas, so that we are ready if an event were to occur that requires relocation (such as a major weather event or liquefaction from an earthquake).
In the next couple of decades, we can grow a new town that doesn’t compete with Westport - by enabling things that don’t exist yet. Like a different type of housing, or accommodation on the lake, or new trails. These things add value to Westport as a destination and promote economic growth.
Over the generations we can expect changes – and some of the functions between current Westport and the growth area will change. There is a fine balance to ensure that Westport will continue to co-exist and thrive, but with some new thinking that supports the port industry and new jobs.
This is an integrated package of works based on the PARA framework (Protect, Avoid, Retreat, Accommodate); Master Planning is being led by Buller District Council and sits within the Resilient Westport package of works – which includes the flood defences being headed up by the West Coast Regional Council.
Master Planning and community drop-in’s return Tuesday 21 January
If you’re keen to find out more about Master Planning come on into our Westport office for a chat.